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Silvio Circus
La famosa intervista a Berlusconi dello Spectator (che la intitola "The new imperial vision of Silvio Berlusconi") merita veramente di essere letta. The Spectator ne fa poi una cover story piuttosto divertente dal titolo "Forza Berlusconi!"
Ci sono molti passaggi interessanti, tipo questo:
We have increased from 1m lire to 1.5m lire the tax deduction for each child. I have reduced corporation tax to 35 per cent, and in five years I intend to keep my promise and bring the tax on personal incomes down from 47 per cent to 33 per cent.
In cui Berlusconi si dimentica di avere ridotto l'IRPEG non al 35% ma al 34%.
Mi chiedevo poi se Berlusconi avesse dato l'intervista parlando in inglese o in italiano. Ma leggendo proprio la risposta all'ultima domanda, quella ormai famosa dei giudici mentalmente disturbati, ogni dubbio viene fugato:
Wasn’t Andreotti, seven times Italian prime minister, a mafioso?
But no. But no. Ma no. Andreotti is troppo intelligente. He is too clever. Look, Andreotti is not my friend. He is of the Left. They created this fiction to demonstrate that the Democrazia Cristiana which was for 50 years the most important party in our history was not an ethical party but a party close to criminality. But it is not true. Non è vero. It is una follia! These judges are mad twice over! First, because they are politically that way, and second, because they are mad anyway. To do that job you need to be mentally disturbed, you need psychic disturbances. If they do that job it is because they are antropologicamente different! That is why I am in the process of reforming everything.
Posted by Peter Kowalsky at 12.09.03 09:11
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